Sunday, August 07, 2005

Savusavu, Fiji Islands

Living on a 46' yacht here in Savusavu with my friends Dan and Mary Ann. You may remember the famous couple as we sailed from the Marshall Islands to Fiji from last summer. We're living in the small harbor shown in the picture. Our boat is the blue one. Do you see it? And for those who love looking at pics - can you find the airport? By the way - that town is Savusavu, second largest on the island.


Anonymous said...

Hello, James.

I am not sure, but I THINK I see the boat you describe as blue. Lying out from shore, with the boat shed that is to the right of the image shoreline, lying to starboard.

I am more certain of the airport. I see a grassy strip on the opposite side of the island. It is a straight, rather wide turf strip running in from the shoreline. By the way, it looks from the shoreline as well as from the terrain to be a good site for a landing strip. The shore on that side of the island appears to shallow for a boat harbor, so that landing patterns and boats would not interfere with each other.


Anonymous said...

You nailed it Ken. That is indeed our boat. The landing strip is in the upper right hand corner - ending in the sea.

Anonymous said...

You nailed it Ken. That is indeed our boat. The landing strip is in the upper right hand corner - ending in the sea.

Anonymous said...

You nailed it Ken. That is indeed our boat. The landing strip is in the upper right hand corner - ending in the sea.